Engineer Working near Powerlines - Duralift

Working at height near powerlines

A 27 year old man died in early February after being electrocuted while working from an elevated work platform in Hughesdale. This fatality involved a truck-mounted EWP making contact with live overhead powerlines. Duralift does not deal with truck-mounted EWPs, however this incident has prompted us to write this article.

So, if you have worked or intend to work outdoors at height, there are some essential rules to remember when working near powerlines, to ensure that you and your team are safe.

So what is a “No Go Zone”?

A No Go Zone is the minimum safe distance for workers and any equipment in use near powerlines.


No Go Zone is the prohibited area which includes anywhere above a powerline and within 3m each side or below.

A spotter is required between 3m to 6.4m of each side or below a powerline.

6.4m of each side or below a powerline is the safe zone. Even though a spotter is not essential it is good practise to still have a spotter, observe all OHS practises, be mindful of your machine’s restrictions and observe potential hazards in your surroundings.

Working near powerlines - No Go Zone

Transmission overhead powerlines

Types of Electricity Powerlines and Towers

Transmission overhead powerlines are high voltage towers typically located in easements. Permission is required before any work can be conducted in easements.

No Go Zone is the prohibited area which includes anywhere above and within 8m each side or below. For any work within this area permission from the relevant network operator is required.

A spotter is required between 8m to 10m of each side or below a powerline.

10m of each side or below a powerline is the safe zone. Even though a spotter is not essential it is good practise to still have a spotter, observe all OHS practises, be mindful of your machine’s restrictions and observe potential hazards in your surroundings.

Go Zones for Transmission towers

There are further requirements with regards to Scaffolding and Spotters. Also checkout more information on managing trees near Powerlines.

Information about working near powerlines will be covered in your EWP Licence Training. View our Blog on EWP Licence Training here.

Duralift also has stickers on our machines to help prompt you when operating a machine.

Please contact the relevant authority for further information.

This information has been sourced from Energy Safe Victoria. Please click here for information specific to NSW, TAS, QLD, WASA.

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