Stay ahead of the game in Facilities Maintenance – Duralift
As organisational needs for facility maintenance services increase so does the demand of facilities management service suppliers.
Facilities Management Companies like yours, constantly need to drive value and maximise operational efficiencies.
So far, large scale contractors provide multidisciplinary facilities management services. This follows a growing global trend, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom, which have noted facilities management firms contracting across all segments of the plumbing, electrical, mechanical and air conditioning maintenance and installation markets.

As a Facilities Management Company, you would require the ability to work at height to be multidisciplinary and provide a spectrum of services in facility maintenance to large organisations that acquire your services.
Large scale maintenance projects are associated with a range of buildings and downstream industries such as plumbing maintenance, electrical maintenance, cleaning and other repair services. As a Facilities Management Company you would require a more professional approach at providing these services.
An increased market share in this heavily competitive market can be gained through using better equipment and machinery to take on a wider range of projects.
One way to stay ahead of the game is to increase the usage and effectiveness of working at height.
The use of Elevated Work Platforms can help Facilities Management Companies like yours to work at a rapid speed, particularly when undertaking repetitive work at height on a commercial scale. Elevated Work Platforms are also much safer than more traditional tools and equipment ensuring that you maintain OHS best practise.