How Much Should You Be Spending on Access Equipment Hire – Duralift
21 March 2017 0 Comments
There’s no golden rule for how much you should spend on renting access equipment. Unlike some expenses on your companies profit and loss statement that usually represent a certain percentage of the net income or sales turnover (or some that should even if they don’t) access equipment is a highly variable expense on a construction project.

Rather than considering how much you should be spending first consider:
- How high do you need to reach?
- Do you need to reach out as well? – if so how far?
- What ground cover are you working on?
- How long will you need to hire the access equipment, be it a scissor lift or forklift or something else for?
- Would it be viable to purchase the equipment?
Once you have the answer to these questions sorted you will be able to easily figure out how much you should be spending by requesting a quote from our team who will take you through the most effective rental solution for your requirements.