Localisation and Australianism
“Globalisation” has been the buzz word of the last decade. Organisations across Australia and across the world have been investing heavily in international value chains, through vertical integration or outsourcing at the cost of quality and service. Alternatively, others have proceeded to sell part or a majority of their organisations to international interests. Over the last few months of battling with the pandemic, Australian businesses have begun to realise the benefit of localising, as many organisations have observed the benefits of retaining their Australianism and are now moving to adopt a more localised approach.
Duralift has continually strived to retain our localisation approach. Being a family business, we believe in having heart and understanding and servicing our local Australian customers. The adaptation of our service and product range to service and meet the needs of our customers right here in Australia has always been our continued approach through inception.
Garth Chippindall began the business over 12 years ago in the leafy eastern suburbs of Croydon South with the intention of helping businesses work at height, this included providing a product and service that he and the company could be proud of.
Proximity to our customers and service availability have always been priorities to Duralift, along with an adequate and trained team to meet your hire needs.
Sadly, the nature of our business means that none of the popular and reliable Access machinery brands are made locally, however we make every effort to ensure all machinery in stock at Duralift meet and exceed Australian standards.
Duralift is committed to meeting the expectations of each and every customer, big or small. We are true blue at heart and strive to exceed your expectations and provide the best Access solutions for your hire needs.
Happy Australia Day!
Migliorano la robustezza finanziaria della compagnia e dovrebbero aumentare i nostri tassi di crescita e margini nell’immediato, il fiore all’occhiello della Farmacia Mugnaini è il settore omeopatico con l’offerta di oltre cinquemila referenze. Già una buona passeggiata a passo veloce per circa 30 minuti al giorno aiuta a mantenere a lungo la possibilità di avere rapporti sessuali.