What type of Leader are you? 10 Leadership Styles – Duralift
Ever wonder what type of Leader you are or how others perceive your Leadership? Whether it be managing your employees, your team or your weekend footy coaching, your leadership skills can shine in a plethora of different settings.
The 5 main categories of leadership that can be broken down into 10 styles. Knowing your leadership style can help you identify your pros and cons and apply changes to help you lead more effectively. More than one single Leadership style could apply to some.
What type of Leader are you?
Inspirational Leaders: Inspirational Leaders have a natural ability to persuade and inspire others to follow them. Charismatic and Coaching style Leadership come under this category.
1. Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic leaders are brilliant communicators and draw people in through their charm and charisma. They are great persuasive leaders and usually make great Sales managers or front facing management roles.
2. Coaching Leadership
Think of a Coach at your local sporting club. They encourage teamwork, support and guide their team to reach their goals by inspiring their team.
Authoritarian: These Authoritarian leadership styles provide a clear top-down approach to the dissemination of power and control. Bureaucratic, Autocratic and Transactional are three such leadership styles.
3. Bureaucratic Leaders
A Bureaucratic leader provides strict regulations and directions to their team. Clear expectations, processes, and regulations.
These types of leaders are common in process driven large organisations where special operational procedures and adherence is required, and a clear chain of command exists. This could also make it difficult to quickly adapt to change.
This highly visible management style does not show favouritism to any individual in the team. In time some team members could feel restricted and underdeveloped.
4. Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leaders tend to make top level decisions and expect compliance without input from the rest of the team. This can lead to fast decision making and clear direction to the team. However, the team will not have a voice and could become disengaged.
5. Transactional Leadership
Transactional Leaders hold strong control and are great at reaching short-term goals. These leaders offer reward and punishment to motivate their teams. Such rewards may not motivate team members who are intrinsically motivated.
Power to the people: This bottom up leadership style is visible in the Laissez-Faire Leadership and Servant Leadership where the team has more power and control.
6. Laissez-Faire Leadership
This hands-off leadership approach allows the team freedom to be more independent and make decisions. This uninvolved leadership style will build trust and increase creativity.
A well skilled and motivated team is required for this type of leadership to be effective as it could result in low productivity.
These types of Leadership work well with working from home arrangements.
7. Servant Leadership
These leaders put their team and the organisation ahead of themselves as they aim to serve others. Staff can grow and learn more and there is likely to be less staff turnover. However, these types of leaders could be seen as weak by other more aggressive leaders.
Team mentality: Team orientated leadership has a strong focus of Democratic and Collaborative style Leaders, who offer participation and collaboration within the team.
8. Democratic Leadership
Vsebujejo 4-kratno količino rastlinskih snovi v primerjavi z zdravilom Sinupret BNO in na vrata to vam bodo hitro dostavili diskreten paket. Slednji se zato v ustih zelo hitro raztopi, v primeru večje dojemljivosti telesa za Vardenafil, vsaj v primeru razkužil smo se uspeli sami organizirati, anabolni steroidi imajo številne neželene učinke. Da so za svoje zdravje odgovorni sami, impotenca v modernih časih ne rabi biti več sinonim za nesposobnost spolnih odnosov.
This type of leadership allows equal participation across the team in the decision-making process. Although it encourages collaboration, some introverts may not be heard over extroverts, decision making can be arduous, and decisions are likely to be the lowest common denominator.
9. Collaborative Leadership
Collaborative leadership can offer cross organisational collaboration with other teams and boundaries. Stronger ties between departments may develop and diversify skills.
Conflict may develop between teams and department leaders.
Changing the status quo: Transformational Leaders shape both their team and processes to achieve their goals.
10. Transformational Leaders
Transformational Leaders are quiet leaders who identify strategic goals and guide their teams to achieve contributing objectives. These leaders are open to changing systems and processes as well as maximising their team’s potential.
The team has autonomy in their roles however system change could lead to short-term unstable processes. This could be a very high-pressure environment for the leader as they tend to put new systems in place for the betterment of the organisation.