How your Small Business can benefit from Local B2B Marketing: A Checklist – Duralift
“Making a list, checking it twice”…well we all know that Santa does, but how about you? Local B2B marketing is a tried-and-true way to reach consumers, and it can create a tremendous amount of buzz for your business, the trouble is there are so many ideas out there about how you can leverage of your local area for marketing that maybe you don’t know where to start? We’ve put together a Local B2B marketing checklist to help get you reach a more relevant audience, create memorable partnerships, make the most of word of mouth, save money and make 2017 the year that you and your locals will never forget.
Don’t waste your time, money, and marketing resources trying to reach the entire local market. Instead, spend time truly defining your unique market. Once you’ve set that criteria, determine the best ways to reach that subset with the most impact. (Leslie Venetz)
Use Google Adwords. Most B2B buying processes start at Google, and in most B2B markets the costs per click are relatively low. Google gives you all the tools you need to focus geographically. (Edwin Vlems)
List your business in local business directories. Google My Business and Bing Places are absolutely free for local businesses, while Yahoo Localworks from Yahoo is a paid service allowing to list your business in 50 directories (Yahoo Local, Yelp, WhitePages, Bing, Mapquest, etc.). Once you’re listed, start taking advantage of local search results, and don’t forget to ask your customers to leave reviews on your page.
Use LinkedIn – search by your local area and generate leads and qualified conversions with potential clients, or in the words of Jarther Taylor:Think digital, SocialSelling on LinkedIn & facebook have worked for me.
Implement a Social Media Campaign targeted to your local area. Use a creative hashtag to see your brand trending. (and don’t forget about Instagram advertising)
Create a video – post it everywhere your local clients would be and use it support social media campaigns.Participate in forums and groups in your local area on Quora, Reddit, LinkedIn Groups, and Google+ communities. Aren’t any? Start one and invite your contacts to join!
Participate in forums and groups in your local area on Quora, Reddit, LinkedIn Groups, and Google+ communities. Aren’t any? Start one and invite your contacts to join!
SEO – Pay for your website to rank for keywords relating to your field of business in your local area.
Advertise on the radio.
Advertise on a local cable TV station.
Sponsor a local sporting club.
Host a meet up – send out a flyer to all the local businesses to increase your brand awareness and offline networking. Provide some good food, drink and freebies and people will be sure to come along 🙂
Apply for awards to get your business on the map, such as your local top business awards. (Telstra etc)
Plan a local business workshop.
Business Card Drawing. Put a fishbowl at your place of business with a sign asking visitors to drop their business cards in for a chance to win something from you.
Give Away Balloons at Local Events. Get a few hundred custom balloons printed with your business name, rent a helium tank, and watch the smiles roll in.
Join in on Local Contests. Consider donating a product or service of yours as a prize in a local contest or event.
Help promote or volunteer your time for a charity event.
Publish articles in local trade magazines.Give away bumper stickers and window decals – locals will be sure to see them in the area.
Give away bumper stickers and window decals – locals will be sure to see them in the area.
Create or update your brochure and maildrop to the local area.
Advertise in the Yellow Pages.
Advertise on a billboard locally.
Get printed merchandise. Put your company logo on hats and T-shirts and your loyal customers will be happy to wear them and will become free brand promoters for the area.
Refresh your business cards. Make them stand out and hand them out to everyone you lay eyes on.
Commission a mural – Try getting permission to decorate the side of a prominent building with a large mural.
Take out an ad in your local newspaper.
Get a full-body branded paint job done on your company vehicle.
Build a referral network.
Introduce yourself to other local business owners.
Broadcast your Twitter handle etc with sidewalk chalk, use an abandoned storefront as a canvas for street art, or plaster custom stickers on urban décor that makes those who stroll by look twice
Unusual sponsorships – Urban living results in some unique marketing opportunities you won’t find elsewhere. They secret is, you need to think creatively to capitalise on these opportunities.
Use a sidewalk sign to promote your specials.
Cross-promote your products and services with other local businesses.
Want to print this checklist? Download it here.
If this checklist seems daunting, it doesn’t have to be! Start with a handful of ideas, spread them out over the year and go from there. Locals will be more than happy to support your small business but you have to be the one to make a start.