MORNING TEA - Duralift

How to deal with uncertainty – Duralift

Covid-19 has thrown many challenges our way. From the gloomy news on TV, to living in social isolation and lockdowns, to the financial challenges this pandemic has brought upon us, there are many challenges that we have faced and may yet encounter.
As president Franklin D Roosevelt said back in 1933 during the Great Depression, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. The fear of facing uncertainty is the biggest parallel we can draw down upon.
What concerns many today is the high level of uncertainty in our lives. Those who have a lower tolerance to uncertainty are likely to suffer from stress, anxiety and even depression.
Here are a few pointers to help you pull your head out of the sand, be more self-aware and deal with the uncertainty in your life so that you are more prepared for the adventures that lay beyond.


Positive mindset

Wake up with gratitude and acceptance. Even if things are the toughest they’ve ever been, keep in mind there are still many who are less fortunate than you. Have an affirmation to make the most of your day, when you are at home, at work or working from home. Keep it positive!


Self-reflect without judgement

Assess your situation. Stop thinking negatively and blaming yourself for the situation that you might be in. Note where you’ve gone wrong or what you could have done better and make plans to improve your future.

Accept that this is hard. Deal with what is in front of you today so that it won’t overwhelm and overpower you.


Learn to let go

Learn to let go of your past mistakes and your resentment of others. If you slip up, it’s ok. Don’t punish yourself over mistakes and don’t begrudge others over theirs. Whatever your circumstances are, what has happened has happened and is now in the past. It is time to forge new paths.


Focus on the present

Mindfulness is universal! The literal meaning of the word ‘Mindfulness’ is to be in the present, fully conscious and aware of what is happening around you. All it takes is a few minutes of your day to clear your mind and consciously be in the present.

The most important outcome here is to be able to create an environment in your mind that is at an optimal level to make the right choices now, so that you can set the right path for the future.



The #inthistogether statement has never been more relevant. It is not just a call of unity, but a reminder that your individual actions can impact on if others around you live or die. In the world of Covid-19 ‘self-discipline’ is everything! So during this lock down period it is not only important to follow your legal obligations but to also set some self-discipline in other areas of your life.

Set a rough timetable with achievable key tasks and stick to it. This may be as simple as going for a walk (within Covid lock down regulations of course) each day or making sure you eat healthy. You could learn something new. LinkedIn Learning has a wide range of courses that maybe of interest. Or you could allocate a couple of hours in your day to read a book or get involved in a new hobby. Set routines so you give your mind plenty of variety.


Be patient

Good things take time. Know that “this too shall pass” and the work that you put in now will bear fruit.

While you wait in this temporary Covid hibernation, practice gratitude and help your family, friends and colleagues. Stop complaining and smile more. Everyone is in the same boat and being positive towards others and within yourself will encourage other around you to reciprocate.


Now over to you! How do you deal with uncertainty?

Check out what changes Duralift has made during the Stage 4 lockdown here.


[If you are struggling from stress, anxiety and depression please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36.]

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