Stepping towards a Covid Normal
There have been many changes in the construction industry with ‘Roadmaps’, ‘Stages’, ‘Steps’ and variable deadlines. This has only compounded the confusion among everyone in the construction and related industries.
The restrictions that our industry will be working within over the coming weeks and months will be in stages until we reach a stage of Covid Normal.
Duralift has put together the below chart to help assist our customers to identify what significant changes apply to them.
NOTE: This is only a summary of significant changes. Please visit the Victoria Government website for a more detailed list of information.
Large scale construction | Small scale construction | Early stage land development
1st Step
Large-scale construction: Limit the daily maximum number of onsite workers to whichever is greater of 25% of their baseline workforce or 5 workers. Specialist contractors can move between up to 3 sites/week. Workers restricted to attending only one site.
Small-scale construction: No more than five workers per site. Specialist contractors: up to three sites/week, with a maximum of two per day. Workers restricted to attending only one site.
Early Stage Land Development: Density restrictions of no more than 10 workers per hectare. All site induction and tool box meetings conducted outside.
Changes as of Sep 14
Small-scale construction: Client (or agent) contract meetings including document signing, material selection, final inspections conducted remotely where possible. If not reasonably practicable, on-site meetings permitted by appointment only with physical distancing.
2nd Step (Greater Melbourne members to move to on 28 September if average daily new cases rates are between 30-50)
Large-scale construction: Some major changes include daily maximum number of onsite workers to whichever is greater of 85% of their baseline workforce or 15 workers. Specialist contractors can move between up to 3 sites/week.
Small-scale construction: No more than 5 workers per site. Specialist contractors can visit up to five sites/week, with a maximum of two per day.
Early Stage Land Development: Density restrictions of no more than 20 workers per hectare. All site induction and tool box meetings conducted outside.
3rd Step (No set date. The thresholds require the average number of new cases across Victoria over the last 14 days being fewer than five per day, and total number of new cases with an unknown source in the last 14 days is zero.)
Open with a COVIDSafe Plan.
Large-scale construction: No restrictions on number of workers per site.
Small-scale construction: No restrictions on number of workers per site.
Early Stage Land Development: No restrictions on number of workers per site. All site induction and tool box meetings conducted outside.
Last Step (From 23 November if we get to zero new cases state-wide for 14 days, we can move to the Last Step.)
Open with a COVIDSafe Plan.
COVID Normal (When trigger points are met across the state AND there are no outbreaks of concern in other states or territories, we can take this step.)
Open with a COVIDSafe Plan. No density quotient.
1st Step & 2nd Step (Greater Melbourne members to move to on 28 September if average daily new cases rates are between 30-50)
Repairs and maintenance for emergencies only. Household cleaning only for people with particular needs related to age, disability, illness, a chronic health condition or other medical reason.
3rd Step (No set date. The thresholds require the average number of new cases across Victoria over the last 14 days being fewer than five per day, and total number of new cases with an unknown source in the last 14 days is zero.) & all subsequent Steps.
Open with a COVIDSafe Plan.