Could You Be Using The Athena Scissor Lift To Maximise Efficiency On Your Projects? – Duralift
14 March 2018 0 Comments
We spoke to Ron, Marcus and Ryan about…
how the Athena Scissor Lift from Duralift helped them with their projects.
What sort of job/task did you use the Athena Scissor Lift for?
- To install cladding/facades in a medium density residential area
- To install fire systems into a carpark above the ramp
- To install ducts above the carpark ramp
The Athena Scissor Lift is quite new to the construction industry, what did you use before now?
- It was difficult. I used to have to use boom lifts. Which proved to be very awkward
and inconvenient, trying to reach heights from level ground and wow, it’s too hard
to explain! - I used to hire a rough terrain scissor and chock it up with blocks of wood so that it
didn’t beep. - We used to have to make our own platform for a normal scissor from whatever we
could. Otherwise, we would use a duct lift or a ladder.
Was the Athena Scissor Lift more time and cost efficient?
- Yes! It got around a lot easier than the other boom I had hired for the same job. And it is a lot more operator friendly, they are easy to use.
- Yes! It is a lot quicker, and we can now get the job done in a single day, saving
costs as we pay for a day hire only. They are awesome, I love using them. They
let you get into those annoying areas that you can’t get with the standard scissors
and are a lot easier to use and move around in than scissors! - Yes! They are way easier to use than trying to use a normal scissor.